
Six Tips to Prepare Yourself for Breast Augmentation Surgery

Every year, around 300,000 breast implant operations are performed in the United States, with a significant number of patients from California. Undoubtedly, breast augmentation surgery is a big decision that can profoundly affect one’s self-esteem and body image. However, whether for reconstructive or cosmetic reasons, thorough preparation is essential to ensure a successful and seamless surgical experience.

So, are you getting breast augmentation surgery soon but don’t know where to get started?

Fret not! This article provides six helpful tips for preparing for breast augmentation surgery. From understanding the procedure and setting realistic expectations to making the required lifestyle modifications, these guidelines will help you through the preoperative process, allowing you to be well-informed and ready for the road ahead.

Educate Yourself on Implant Options

When considering breast augmentation surgery, educating yourself on the various implant options is critical.

Begin by learning about the two main types of breast implants: silicone and saline. Silicone implants are filled with a cohesive gel similar to natural breast tissue. In contrast, saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution. Each type has pros and cons, so it’s essential to analyze the benefits and drawbacks depending on your goals and circumstances.

Moreover, implants are available in different sizes, allowing you to attain the ideal breast volume and proportions. The implant can be spherical or anatomical (teardrop-shaped), each with different cosmetic benefits.

Another important factor regarding implants is the associated costs. Saline breast implants in San Diego cost approximately $6,000 and $7,000, while silicone breast implants are priced between $7,500 and $9,500.

So, if you’re looking for breast augmentation surgery in San Diego, consult a board-certified surgeon and discuss your budget and insurance coverage (if applicable) to make an informed decision about the type of implants you prefer.We recommend Dr. Susan Kaweski for her extensive experience and expertise in performing breast surgeries.

Choose a Skilled Surgeon

Investing time and effort in researching potential surgeons in your region is critical. Look for board-certified plastic surgeons with a strong track record specializing in breast augmentation. Examine their credentials and affiliations. In addition, read patient testimonies and online reviews to learn about the experiences of others who have had breast augmentation with the surgeon you’re considering.

Aside from research, meeting withyour potential surgeon is beneficial for several reasons. Ask appropriate questions, and analyze the surgeon’s communication style and approach. A qualified surgeon will pay close attention to your concerns, address them, and offer comprehensive explanations regarding the surgery, potential risks, and expected outcomes.

Selecting a surgeon with whom you feel comfortable and confident in their expertise is vital.

Follow Preoperative Instructions

Your plastic surgeon will offer you a list of preoperative instructions before breast augmentation surgery to ensure smooth and effective treatment. These guidelines are critical for avoiding challenges and optimizing outcomes; therefore, adhere to them diligently.

  • Avoid medications and supplements that can increase the risk of bleeding during surgery, including blood-thinning medications, herbal supplements, and over-the-counter pain relievers.
  • Inform your surgeon about any medications or supplements you are currently taking and any medical conditions you have.
  • Stop smoking at least two weeks before the procedure. Smoking can impede recovery and raise the likelihood of problems.
  • Fast for a specific period before the procedure. This guarantees that the stomach remains empty during the treatment, lowering the risk of aspiration and other anesthesia-related complications.

Arrange for Post-Surgery Support

Plan for post-surgery care to guarantee a pleasant and uneventful recovery phase. One of the first things you should do is arrange for someone to accompany you to the medical center on the day of the surgery. This individual can offer emotional support as well as help with any documentation or communication that is required.

Having someone stay with you after surgery for the first few days of recovery is important. This caregiver can aid with chores such as food preparation, medication management, and personal care. They can also arrange transportation to your surgeon’s follow-up visits.

You must plan for their welfare during your recovery if you have children or pets. This might include requesting a family member, friend, or professional carer to help with child or pet care duties. You can focus on rest and healing by eliminating these additional tasks without feeling overburdened.

Create a Recovery Area

Creating a conducive and comfortable recovery environment at home is critical for promoting healing after breast augmentation surgery. Before the operation, prepare your living space with the necessary supplies and arrangements to aid in a quick recovery.

Consider the following suggestions:

  • Start by stocking up on essential supplies.
  • Loose, comfortable clothing that does not strain your chest is encouraged during healing.
  • Gather any pain medication your surgeon prescribes and any over-the-counter medications indicated for pain relief.
  • Keeping ice packs or gel packs on hand is also a good idea to assist with swelling and pain alleviation.
  • Arrange your living environment to prevent unnecessary movement and strain.
  • To minimize reaching and straining, keep commonly used things within easy reach.
  • Consider creating a special recovery room with cushions and blankets for support and comfort. This area should allow you to rest and relax while elevating your upper body, which can help reduce swelling.

Have Realistic Expectations

While breast augmentation can improve your physical appearance and raise your self-esteem, it’s essential to understand the procedure’s limitations and potential hazards.

Breast augmentation can improve your breasts’ shape, size, and symmetry, but it will not totally change your physique or alleviate deep-rooted insecurities. Understanding this ahead of time can help you control expectations and make an educated decision.

Furthermore, it is critical to understand the risks and problems connected with breast augmentation surgery. Infection, hemorrhage, implant rupture, changes in nipple sensation, and capsular contracture are possible outcomes. Your surgeon will provide detailed information about these risks during the consultation process.

Remember that the aim is to boost your self-confidence and enhance your inherent beauty, not to reach perfection.


Preparing for breast augmentation surgery is necessary for a good and gratifying outcome. You can increase your chances of success by performing thorough research, selecting a qualified surgeon, having reasonable expectations, and following pre and postoperative instructions. Remember to prioritize self-care and seek help from loved ones during recovery. Breast augmentation can be a transforming path towards improved self-confidence and body image with meticulous preparation and the assistance of a reliable surgeon.

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