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Closed Revision Rhinoplasty: Techniques, Challenges, and Outcomes

Rhinoplasty, usually known as a nose job, is a surgery performed to reshape and improve the aesthetic appearance of the nose. While primary rhinoplasty aims to address initial concerns, a few patients might require additional revision rhinoplasty to correct inadmissible results or complications from a past medical procedure. Closed revision rhinoplasty is one methodology used to resolve these issues with specific techniques, challenges, and outcomes.

Revision rhinoplasty is a complex procedure that requires precision and expertise. Closed Revision rhinoplasty is a technique where entry points are made internally, within the nostrils, without any external scars. This approach offers a few benefits, including decreased visible scarring, shorter recovery time, and less tissue interruption. This article will include techniques used, challenges faced, and expected outcomes of closed revision rhinoplasty.

What is Closed Revision Rhinoplasty?

Closed revision rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to correct cosmetic and functional issues due to a past rhinoplasty. Unlike open revision rhinoplasty, which includes an external incision across the columella, closed revision rhinoplasty uses an internal incision, giving more restriction to the nasal structure. This strategy requires more careful surgical skills and a comprehensive understanding of nasal anatomy.

Reasons for Closed Revision Rhinoplasty

Closed revision rhinoplasty might be necessary for different reasons. A few people might not be satisfied with the aesthetic results of their primary rhinoplasty, such as asymmetrical appearance, irregular shape, or remaining mound. Functional issues like difficulty breathing or nasal impediments can also occur, requiring modification of medical procedures. Closed revision rhinoplasty tends to these worries by altering the existing nasal structures. And if you’re looking for a professional and experienced doctor in Beverly Hills, we recommend Dr. Nima Shemirani at EOS Rejuvenation for a safe and successful procedure.

Techniques Used in Closed Revision Rhinoplasty

  1. Subcutaneous Scar Tissue Analyzation:During Closed Revision Rhinoplasty, scar tissue from the past surgery is carefully dissected to get to the underlying nasal structure. This interaction permits the specialist to evaluate the degree of scar tissue formation and address any distortion it may have caused.
  2. Cartilage Grafting: Cartilage grafts may be required to expand or recreate the nasal system in closed revision rhinoplasty. These grafts be harvested from the septum, ear, or rib to resolve issues like nasal tip refinement, dorsal hump reduction, or nasal bridge reconstruction.
  3. Dorsal Hump Reduction:A dorsal hump is an excess of bone or cartilage on the nasal bridge. In closed revision rhinoplasty, the specialist carefully removes or reshapes the hump to create a more adjusted and aesthetically pleasing nasal profile.
  4. Tip Refinement:Closed Revision Rhinoplasty considers the exact modification of the nasal tip. Surgeons can refine and reshape the tip by changing the underlying cartilage, improving its definition and overall appearance.
  5. Nasal Bone Realignment:When the nasal bones have moved or become asymmetric, closed revision rhinoplasty can realign them to reestablish evenness and harmony in the nose.

Challenges in Closed Revision Rhinoplasty

Closed Revision Rhinoplasty presents extraordinary difficulties contrasted with primary rhinoplasty or open revision methods. These difficulties incorporate limited visibility, scar tissue management, and keeping up with the primary structural integrity of the nose.

  • Limited visibility:With inner cuts, surgeons have less direct visualization of the nasal structure. This requires progressed surgical skills and an intensive comprehension of nasal anatomy to explore through limited access.
  • Scar Tissue Management: Scar tissue development from past medical procedures can make dissection and alteration more challenging. Surgeons should cautiously explore scarred regions to avoid complications and accomplish the ideal result.
  • Structural integrity:Closed Revision rhinoplasty involves modifying existing nasal designs, which may have already been adjusted during the primary rhinoplasty. Keeping up with the structural integrity of the nose while making the necessary corrections requires a sensitive balance of surgical techniques.

Possible Outcomes of Closed Revision Rhinoplasty

Closed revision rhinoplasty expects to work on the nose’s aesthetic appearance and functional aspects. The following results can be expected:

  1. Improved Aesthetic Appearance: Closed revision rhinoplasty considers exact changes, bringing about a more agreeable and adjusted nasal profile. The surgeons can address past concerns and accomplish the desired aesthetic objectives.
  2. Enhanced Breathing Function:Practical issues, for example, nasal block or breathing difficulties, can be remedied during closed revision rhinoplasty. Patients can encounter better airflow and increased comfort by working on the inward nasal sections.

Recovery Process and Aftercare

After closed revision rhinoplasty, the recovery process fluctuates from one patient to another, including a time of bruising, swelling, and uneasiness. Adhering to the specialist’s post-operative instructions is vital for a smooth recovery. This might incorporate using nasal splints, the elevation of the head during rest, avoiding strenuous exercises, and subsequent routine visits. And also, don’t forget to speak to your doctor about the best aftercare approach for you.


Closed revision rhinoplasty is a specialized surgical technique to address concerns and inconveniences from a past rhinoplasty. With its unique benefits and challenges, this approach permits specialists to make exact adjustments to the nasal structure, bringing about a better aesthetic appearance and improved breathing capability. If you are considering closed revision rhinoplasty, consult a certified specialist with the expertise to examine your particular needs and expectations.


Q: How long does it require to recover from Closed Revision Rhinoplasty?

A: The recovery time can differ depending on individual variables. However, most patients can anticipate the underlying enlarging and swelling to subside within half a month. Complete healing and final results may take time.

Q: Are the consequences of Closed Revision Rhinoplasty permanent?

A: The consequences of closed revision rhinoplasty are intended to be long-endure. Notwithstanding, the aging process and natural changes in the nasal tissues can influence the appearance after some time. Keeping up with realistic expectations and following your surgeon’s suggestions for post-operative care is essential.

Q: Can closed revision rhinoplasty fix a helpful issue, like a deviated septum?

A: Yes, closed revision rhinoplasty can resolve practical issues like a deviated septum. The specialist can perform septoplasty, a technique that fixes the nasal septum, improving breathing function and correcting structural abnormalities.

Q: How would I pick a certified specialist for closed revision rhinoplasty?

A: When choosing a closed revision specialist, finding a board-certified plastic specialist with extensive experience with rhinoplasty and correction techniques is critical. Take the time to research and talk with different surgeons, reviewing their before-and-after photos and patient testimonials

Q: Can closed revision rhinoplasty be performed on patients undergoing various nasal medical procedures?

A: Indeed, closed revision rhinoplasty can be performed on patients undergoing numerous nasal medical procedures. The specialist should assess the condition of the nasal tissues and structures to decide the feasibility and possible difficulties of the method.


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