Dental CareHealth

Oral Healthcare Tips For Seniors

Taking care of your oral hygiene is as essential as breathing air, especially when your age starts catching up to you and your teeth start aching. The only way to keep that confident smile as you grow older is to maintain oral hygiene and regularly go for dental checkups.

If you are getting older and want to ensure you take good care of your teeth, keep reading this article. Below, you will find multiple helpful tips to help you maintain your oral hygiene.

How can age affect your gums?

As you start growing older, the changes in your body affect your organs and all parts of your body, including your gums and teeth. Tissues become thinner and looser, and the bones become less dense and weaker. The changes in your body damage and weaken the tissues in your mouth, causing problems you may not have seen coming.

Like an unwelcome surprise, the cavities may arrive, which can become a permanent nuisance. Especially if you smoke, the chances of oral cancer increase as soon as you reach 45. All because cells renew slowly, and the tissues become less dense.

Get all-on-4 dental implants.

An injury or tooth decay can cause your teeth to fall out. The falling out of teeth takes a toll on your confidence and self-esteem, making something as crucial as eating difficult for you. One of the best fixes to this problem is getting all-on-4 dental implants. These implants will help you chew food properly and regain a confident smile.

Unlike traditional dentures, this implant will be permanent. You can save yourself from wearing and then taking your dentures off daily. And more importantly, they look as natural as they can get.

Brush your teeth regularly

You can avoid numerous age-related dental issues if you make it a habit to brush your teeth. Do this twice a day, the first after breakfast and the second before going to bed. Use a soft bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste for the best results.

Remember to also floss between your teeth to eliminate food particles caught between your teeth and in areas where a brush is ineffective. Brushing and flossing will help remove dental plaque, bacteria, and other germs. At an older age, dental plaque is not as easy to get rid of. Not just that, but the bacteria build-up is faster too. You do not want your teeth to fall out too early.

Be careful with mouthwash

Alcohol-free mouthwash is a terrific way to avoid bacteria or cavities forming in your mouth. However, the same mouthwash can cause more harm than benefit if used more than required. You should not use mouthwash more than twice a day. Not only will it upset the pH balance inside your mouth, but it will also cause your mouth to become dry and lead to other problems.

Take care of your water intake

Sometimes the simplest solution is right in front of our eyes. Bad skin? Drink lots of water. Bad oral hygiene? Drinks lots of water! Not only will water help you solve the issue of an occasional dry mouth, but it also carries a lot of health benefits. Any acids in your mouth and be rinsed off and diluted with water, leading to better oral hygiene.

Remember, soda, or any sugary drink, is not an alternative to water. A lot of sugar intake can cause cavities by increasing the acidity in your mouth. Sodas have no benefits and only a hundred ways of ruining oral hygiene.

Meds can dry your mouth

A medication prescribed to you for a different reason can take a toll on your oral health, especially at an older age when a dry mouth can cause damage to the gums and accelerates tooth decay. It also reduces saliva in your mouth, causing trouble eating or talking.

If a medicine has been causing that kind of annoyance, contact your dentist or doctor to change the medicine as soon as possible.

Don’t smoke

Nicotine addiction can be deadly and, with age, can become deadlier. Older men are more prone to getting mouth and throat cancer than younger people and women. If you chew tobacco, it can cause tooth decay faster than you think.

If you think tooth removal and surgeries can be used to make your teeth healthier again, you are not entirely correct. Although, when push comes to shove, surgeries are a fantastic way of regaining your lost tooth. However, smoking can cause complications after surgery and might not produce the same results. Honestly, that is a risk you should not be willing to take.

Take your calcium

If you did not know this before, this tip is a lifesaver! Ensure your regular intake includes at least 1000 milligrams of calcium, low-fat dairy products, salmon, or any other fish with soft bones, cereal, and fruit juices. You can also take calcium tablets orally after consulting your doctor first. Whatever floats your boat.

Watch out for any sudden changes

A change in diet, new medications, or any other reason; if you feel any discomfort or unusual changes, it is time to see a dentist. Soreness, an unusual lump in your mouth, or the sudden appearance of a red or a white colored patch should immediately raise the alarm. You should not wait for it to pass; instead, take preventive measures to stop the situation from accelerating.

Visit your dentist regularly

Caring for your teeth at home is essential, but sometimes it is not enough, especially at an older age when your entire body is more vulnerable to diseases and sickness. Hence, it is better to let the professionals care for you and do their jobs.Visit your dentist regularly to take care of any symptom or warning sign before it leads to a more significant issue in your mouth.


As you age, oral healthcare becomes an essential part of your life. Neglecting it can carry unpleasant implications. Hence use these tips to care for your teeth and take any preventive measures necessary to avoid trouble later!

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